Welcome to my look back at 2018!
Eight photographs were chosen from my “Behind the Lens” adventures here at Artist Waves from the past year. Instead of looking technical aspects of the photo. I forced myself to base it on how much the image spoke to me. Did it convey a message? A Memory? Did it make me look twice? Who knows what the “it” is that gives a particular photograph that ability to stand out amongst the many, but I’ll try to give a little insight as to how these eight from 2018 made my short list.

Eddie Vedder at Fenway Park
This image of Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder with guitarist Stone Gossard in the background was taken at Fenway Park during the bands song “Release”, at the first of two sold out shows at the historic ballpark. It was the image chosen by Artist Waves’ Jeff Gorra shortly after the shoot to be used as the feature image for his moving article. The Ripple Effect of Pearl Jam’s Home/Away Shows
The image below of Pearl Jam guitarist Mike McCready was taken at the same Fenway Park show. I chose this one because Mike has always been one of my favorite musicians and inspiring human being. His personal struggle with Crohn’s Disease, that he transformed into a campaign for awareness and support of Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation is truly an inspiring story. That and he and his ’59 Fender Strat Kick Ass!
My adventure photographing Pearl Jam at Fenway in 2018 –Behind the Lens: Pearl Jam Fenway Park 18

Mike McCready of Pearl Jam and his ’59 Fender Stratocaster

Anthrax vocalist Joey Belladonna sneaks up behind guitarist Scott Ian to shoot me the bird.
These guys make the list because they always like to have fun while blasting high energy rock and roll, which always translates back through the lens with great images. We were lucky to have the opportunity to photograph the band twice this year. Each a memorable ride.
Behind the Lens: 6 Degrees of Anthrax – Inspiration When You Least Expect It
Slayer Hits OKC’s Zoo Amphitheater with Anthrax & Lamb of God

Fans at Oklahoma City Zoo Amphitheater
This is one of those images that I really like, the ones I don’t intentionally think of taking…I’d like to dedicate it to the security crews, from all the shows I photographed and or attended in 2018. Doesn’t matter if you’re there as a fan, photographer, crew, or band member, those guys make it safer for everyone.

Mudhoney’s Mark Arm and Steve Turner at SubPop30
It was a special summer day photographing Mudhoney at SubPop Records 30th Anniversary Party at Alki Beach in West Seattle.
SPF30 — Mudhoney at SubPop Records 30th Anniversary

He got up outta there, ran for hundreds of miles He made it to the ocean, had a smoke in a tree
This one was also taken at Alki Beach in West Seattle during SubPop Records 30th Anniversary – Young fan trying to get a better view of Mudhoney playing on the main stage. Good vibes! This image reminds me of Pearl Jam’s lyrics from “Given to Fly” – He got up outta there, ran for hundreds of miles
He made it to the ocean, had a smoke in a tree
The Smashing Pumpkins

The Smashing Pumpkins
Smashing Pumpkins Shiny and Oh So Bright – We look inside The Smashing Pumpkins Reunion Tour
The Smashing Pumpkins – Not Faking It, For Just One More Show
2018 was a big year for The Smashing Pumpkins with their Reunion Arena Tour, 30th Anniversary Series shows, and the release of “SHINY AND OH SO BRIGHT VOL. 1 / LP: NO PAST. NO FUTURE”, produced by Rick Rubin. We were honored to have been invited to photo the band twice during their historic return.
Alice in Chains

Alice in Chains William Duvall
The above image of Alice in Chains William Duvall was taken shortly after the release of the bands newest LP – “Rainier Fog” and early in the tour supporting it, which has now been nominated for a Grammy in the category of “Best Rock Album”. Congrats guys !
Tour Forecast Advisory! Heavy Rainier Fog Rolling in with Alice in Chains
Here’s to 2018!…Now time to look forward
Safe Travels to all in 2019, See ya at the shows!