The Mesmerizing & Inspiring Art of the “off beat” Park
EYE — 2007 -Artist- TONY TASSET (USA 1960)
fiberglass, resin, oil paint, steel-452 inches circumference
Laumeier Sculpture Park Commission, with funds from the Mark Twain Laumeier Endowment Fund
Through this gigantic, blue eyeball, Tasset creates tension as the sculpture stares — larger than life — across the landscape and back at the viewer. Modeled after Tasset’s own eye, the never- blinking, constantly conscious piece watches over Laumeier day and night. The human eye is simultaneously unique, individual and emblematic; by focusing on a key part of the body, Tasset speaks to a commonality among us, addressing how we engage and perceive each other while concurrently asserting a prophetic, perhaps even omniscient, presence.
Covering 116 acres, The Laumeier Sculpture Park is a living laboratory where artists and audiences explore the relationship between contemporary art and the natural environment.
Alexander Liberman in 1980.
The park has a relaxing and safe atmosphere. Explore the park at your own pace to enjoy the many amazing artistic creations spread throughout the park.
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Photos by Michael Young
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