Heading to Mexico with artist Fausto Dalla Chiara
My Background:
Since I was a child I had the curiosity to draw anything, especially monsters. At the same time my dad and my uncle introduced me to the rock and metal world. While I was growing up I joined a band as the guitar player and kept practicing my drawing technique. Then I studied Graphic Design, because the only thing that I had on mind was to reunite my two passions, metal and illustration.
My Artistic Style:
I experiment and modify each and every one of the creations I make until I get to the point that I want for each piece. In short, it’s big heads with a melting texture in a funny way. Lets say that it is a combination of photography and digital illustration.

Freddy Mercury by: Fausto Dalla Chiara
Music In My Art:
It’s because I love music since forever, especially heavy music. For me, all creations are tributes to people that I really admire and they’re talented as hell.
Collaborating With Musicians:
Of course I have worked with musicians. Most of them like and share my work, I’ve been making some good friends on the road, too. In some cases, I work along with the musicians or the bands too.

Tatiana Shmaylyuk by: Fausto Dalla Chiara
Coming up…I have tons and tons of characters to do. In the meantime you ca find me here:
Facebook @dallachiaraartwork
Instagram @dallachiaraartwork
~Fausto Dalla Chiarra

Tenacious D by: Fausto Dalla Chiara

Andrew Tkaczyk of The Ghost Inside by: Fausto Dalla Chiara
Produced by/in collaboration with Jeff Gorra
Follow @JeffGorra