Inside the new podcast from Joseph Arthur
Whether it is music, art, wellness and now speaking – Joseph Arthur is always creating. From rocking stages across North America with Peter Buck of R.E.M. to laying paint on a canvas in his quiet New York studio, Arthur’s ability to tap into his wellspring of self-expression has been both admirable and colorful, as he continusously challenges himself to explore the deepest artistic corners. Now he again is invitnig you along on the ride – venturing off into the world of podcasting with the launch of ‘Come To Where I’m From’ (also the name of his second solo record released in 2000).
A good friend of Artist Waves, Arthur took us behind the mic of what listeners can expect.

“Art is something bigger than the person doing it.
Art is something that happens to you.”
How did this podcast come to be and how did you settle on the name?
It’s been a dream I’ve had for quite some time. And we live in the era of podcasts so it just made sense that it would manifest. The key for it happening now was Ehud Lazin coming on board to produce/film/co-host. I needed a partner in crime so to speak. The name was my manger Keith Hagan’s idea. We were eating pizza and I was talking about it and he just said “call it Come to Where I’m From” and I said “hey that’s pretty good” and the rest is history or about to be.
What can listeners expect?
I’m interested in many things so I want the podcast to be very diverse. I want to talk music and art obviously but also comedy, healing modalities, recovery , drugs, addictions, NPD abuse, fasting, spirituality, meditation , conspiracy theories, boxing, exercise and just about everything else.

Who are some of your upcoming guests?
We are behind the scenes working on it all the time and it’s a lot of fun to watch a dream manifest. Dave Hill is coming in tomorrow (our first controversial comedian so very excited about that) hopefully the helium tank comes in by then (telling you …we have ideas ) and the first three episodes are the great Jesse Malin, Holly Miranda and Craig Wedren. It feels like a wonderful start.
‘Come To Where I’m From’ podcast episodes are Jesse Malin Tuesday 6/4 and Holly Miranda Friday 6/7. Next week – Craig Wedren 6/11 and Dave Hill 6/14. New episodes will be released every Tuesday and Friday, Watch full episodes of ‘Come to Where I’m From’ on Joseph Arthur’s official YouTube channel. Stream or download ‘Come To Where I’m From’ on iTunes, Spotify, Google podcasts and Simplecast. Support us on Patreon/cometowhereimfrom.
Featured photo by: David Doobinin